
Getting Rid of Gum Disease

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Getting Rid of Gum Disease

Several years ago, I scheduled an appointment with my husband’s dentist. During my visit, I was shocked to learn I was suffering from gum disease. I discovered my gum disorder was caused from not seeing a dentist in more than five years or flossing my teeth daily. To treat my gum disease, the dentist prescribed a medicated mouthwash for me to use twice each day. I also had to undergo multiple, professional cleanings at the dentist’s office. I began flossing every day too. In a few, short months, my gum disease was completely cured. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart, simple tips to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy for life. Enjoy!


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5 Ways To Help A Child With Asperger's Attend A Dentist Appointment

The everyday tasks, appointments, and meetings that we take for granted as very different for someone with Asperger syndrome. A child with Asperger's is typically set on a routine where any type of disruption or change in pattern can cause emotional distress. This is why vital things like a family dental appointment should be planned well ahead of time to help make things go as smoothly as possible.

It's common knowledge that every child with Asperger's is different. This is why you should use the following five tips as a general basis. Keep an open mind to adjusting the plan and making proper changes based on your own child's behavior and actions.

Communication with the Dentist

Even though you may be used to the situation with your child, the professional may not know all of the circumstances. By communicating when the appointment is made, there are many things that you can cover.

  • Physical Sensitivities: Children with Asperger's are known to have a resistance to physical contact. By informing the dentist of this, you can help them refrain from touching the jawbone, adjusting chairs too quickly, or making the child feel uncomfortable.
  • Sound Adjustments: Many dentist offices use music or television to enter guests while getting an appointment. If your child has sensitivity to sounds like this, request a completely silent room for the appointment.
  • Fears: Your child may have fears that the dentist needs to be aware of. This could be loud noises, bright lights, or even the medical gear that a dentist wears. By talking with the dentist, the office can prepare and introduce each item to the child without any surprises.

Room Requests

If your child has been to the dentist before, then they may prefer the same routine as the last time. Make it a point to seek out the same rooms and situation as before. This will help your child feel more comfortable and get through the appointment as quick as possible. Family dentists are often very accommodating and will attempt to schedule your ideal appointment as best as possible.

Dental Process

A basic cleaning can be filled with a lot of noises, sharp tools, and machinery that children are unfamiliar with. Before going to the appointment, there are a number of ways to introduce the tools. Image galleries online can help teach a child what each tool does and how it works to a clean a mouth.

Videos can also show the dental cleaning process through real footage or educational videos directly catered towards children.

Sitting In on Appointments

Parents will often know the best methods for calming a child with Asperger's. When your child is going to the dentist for the first time, you can help ease the stress by sitting in on the appointment with them. This is a great first step that can gradual change over time. For the next visit, you can leave during the beginning or near the end. Gradually changing your presence at the appointment will help the child build confidence and help gain independence over time.

It's a good idea to ask your child if they would like you to sit with them on the appointment. Respect their opinion and help them feel as comfortable as possible.

Potential Dental Problems

The dentist is not just about getting cleaned, as the doctor can diagnose and find problems in your child's mouth. Teaching your child about these potential problems can help prevent any stress about future appointments or dental work that needs to be done. Have a peek at this site might help you to answer questions your child might have.

Some of the more common problems to prepare a child for are cavities, wisdom teeth, or the need for braces. Explain to the child that all of the care can help them have a healthy mouth in the long run.

Preparation is key. After the first few appointments, a routine should be build into place to make every cleaning go as smooth as possible.