
Getting Rid of Gum Disease

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Getting Rid of Gum Disease

Several years ago, I scheduled an appointment with my husband’s dentist. During my visit, I was shocked to learn I was suffering from gum disease. I discovered my gum disorder was caused from not seeing a dentist in more than five years or flossing my teeth daily. To treat my gum disease, the dentist prescribed a medicated mouthwash for me to use twice each day. I also had to undergo multiple, professional cleanings at the dentist’s office. I began flossing every day too. In a few, short months, my gum disease was completely cured. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart, simple tips to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy for life. Enjoy!


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Good Oral Hygiene Can Help You Do Better In College

As a college student, you may not feel that you have the time or means to keep up on a regular dental routine. But did you know that keeping your teeth in prime condition could improve your college experience? In many ways, oral health is linked to college performance. It can also make or break a relationship formed during these years. Here are just a few ways your oral health affects the various aspects of college life.

Chewing Sugarless Gum might Increase Your Performance in School

For years and years, teachers have been known to confiscate a student's pack of gum, send kids out into the halls, and dole out other forms of punishment for being caught chewing gum in class. Research conducted over the past couple of years might change that opinion, however. Data suggests that students who chew gum are less likely to gain weight and they perform better in school. While it's still not appropriate to chew gum while giving a presentation, here are some ways sugarless gum could help improve college experience:

  • Decrease fidgeting and help you focus on lectures
  • Improve overall test scores
  • The act of chewing can relieve tension
  • Chewing sugarless gum increases saliva flow, which, in turn, helps clear your mouth of bacteria and improves your oral health
  • Decrease impulses to snack, reducing your daily calorie intake (meaning a healthier, more energized you)

Poor Health Habits Are Reflected in Your Teeth and Effect Relationships

Have you ever considered how your college lifestyle might affect your oral health? If you are studious, stick to a schedule (including a daily hygiene routine), and are thoughtful to others, these traits could be manifest in your teeth! The way you smile and how healthy your teeth look are indicators of these traits. On the flip side, if you are a partier, tend to fall asleep before brushing and flossing, and are aggressive towards others, these traits can also be observed by looking at your teeth. At least, that's what research at Carrington College shows. Here's what they have to say about the appearance of your teeth:

  • Healthy teeth make you look up to 5 years younger
  • Straight, white teeth increase your attractiveness and make people want to be near you
  • Stains are typically caused by smoking, drinking, and caffeine. This could indicate that you are more interested in partying than a serious relationship
  •  A broad smile – showing your teeth – helps express personality traits such as genuine kindness
  • A closed smile – revealing few teeth – hints at an impatient or skeptical disposition
  • A smile revealing teeth that have been ground away is suggestive of aggressive behavior

Poor Oral Hygiene Leads to Other Health Concerns

Not only does good oral hygiene improve your performance in school and your relationships with others, but it can improve your overall health. And you know that if you face any sort of health concerns while at school, your grades are at stake. Even a minor cavity causes tooth sensitivity and discomfort. Oral pain will impede your ability to eat well; it also makes it difficult to focus during lectures. Don't give up a future career simply because you don't want to pay for regular dental cleanings. Here are some major health risks associated with poor oral hygiene:

  • Gum disease can lead to heart attack or stroke, even in young adults
  • Diabetes and poor oral hygiene feed off of one another (as one worsens, so does the other, but taking care of one can improve the other)
  • Gum disease is caused by bacteria that can enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body
  • Respiratory illnesses are linked to oral problems
  • Eating disorders that cause you to throw up increase the acid content in your mouth, which destroys teeth and gums (for more information, read this account from a lifelong bulimic)

Don't let your oral health dictate your success as a student. Keep in mind that regular cleanings from a professional like Kevin J Owoc– in addition to your own routine of brushing and flossing – can make a big difference in the health of your teeth. There are some definite perks to good oral health (like, who knew chewing gum could be so good for you!), so take advantage of them and have a great college experience!