
Getting Rid of Gum Disease

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Getting Rid of Gum Disease

Several years ago, I scheduled an appointment with my husband’s dentist. During my visit, I was shocked to learn I was suffering from gum disease. I discovered my gum disorder was caused from not seeing a dentist in more than five years or flossing my teeth daily. To treat my gum disease, the dentist prescribed a medicated mouthwash for me to use twice each day. I also had to undergo multiple, professional cleanings at the dentist’s office. I began flossing every day too. In a few, short months, my gum disease was completely cured. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart, simple tips to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy for life. Enjoy!


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3 Important Reasons To Visit A Pediatric Dentist

While there are many reasons why people of all ages should visit a dentist, it is especially important that parents regularly take their children on a trip to their dentist's office as well. Many issues related to dental health and hygiene are, in fact, unique to children, and their importance should not be underestimated. Take a look below at just three of the most important reasons why you should think about taking your child — whether they are an infant or a teenager — to the dentist. 

Bad Habits

Many very young children often engage in habits that could impact their dental health from the very beginning. The most prominent of these include thumb sucking and the use of pacifiers past a certain age. Luckily, a pediatric dentist can help identify the severity of the bad habit, its possible near- and long-term consequences, and provide parents of young children with advice on how to discourage these habits at home. 


The experience of getting and treating a cavity is usually associated with one's teenage or adult years. However, many people — including young parents — do not realize that even babies with brand new teeth are capable of getting cavities, too. Of course, treating cavities in smaller teeth that have just emerged can be a unique challenge, but it is one that pediatric dentists are qualified to take on. In fact, pediatric dentists often have years of additional training to deal with just this sort of problem. If you are a parent with a young child and are concerned with the possibility of cavities, a visit to your local pediatric dentist may be in order. 


When it comes to dentistry, often the most valuable kind of information is not about how to handle a given situation, but rather about what to expect in advance. For example, new parents caring for their firstborn may feel they do not have access to reliable, expert information on what is considered "normal" or "usual" in terms of their child's teeth. They may have a number of specific questions, such as: When should they expect their child to get their first tooth? What teeth will appear first? How many teeth should a child have, and by what age? When will a child likely begin teething? A pediatric dentist can easily answer all of these questions and many more. In doing so, they can provide parents with peace of mind about the coming months and years. 

For more information, contact a clinic like Dentistry For Children & Adolescents.